Sunday, November 30, 2008

Two down

Two down, 30 to go, LoL! I didn't get a whole lot done today as we spent the major part of the day at my aunt and uncle's house, visiting with my grandparents while Tony helped my uncle pick up 2 truckloads of wood for their fireplace. However...I got Hannah's stocking done tonight! Cross ONE more thing of my to-do list! I am very pleased with the way it came out. I wanted something a little baby-ish, but not so much so that she won't like it when she's 12. The dot fabric is Mary Englebriet, don't ask what the snowman fabric is. I forgot to look.

Here's a pic of Jeremiah's stocking too, that I made for his first Christmas. I used Jeremiah's as a pattern but didn't do the pointed toe on Hannah's. I wanted hers to be just a little different. Tony and I also have homemade stockings, which my Mom made for us and I made my tree skirt too. Can't be a quilter without quilted holiday items too! Well, maybe you can and not to lay a guilt trip on those who don't. If it makes you feel better a secret pal sent me the pannel for my tree skirt and I cut it out, then used it for 2 years before I quilted, backed and bound it. See, I knew that would make you feel better!

I was so happy to make it to church today. Growing up we went every Sunday; it never was even a question "if" we were going or not. Since getting pregnant with Hannah I have missed more church than I had for my whole life! It's not even a religious guilt thing, I simply miss the worship and communion with other Christians. I was SO very happy to make it in time for the praise and worship because usually (thanks to Tony, hehe) we are late and almost miss all of it.

The message really spoke to me too, it was about how we as Christians tend to give God our "leftovers." You know, IF we have time we read our Bible, IF we remember we pray, IF we have any money leftover we tithe, etc. My husband and I have tithing down, we do that even when we can't afford it but the Bible reading and quiet I was really convicted on.

I know for me, as a stay at home mom, it is SO very easy to make my kids #1 in my life. Everything I do revolves around them. While it's bad, I guess, that I lose myself in that it is worse that I lose the Lord in that. I was convicted and sad to realize that lately the Lord hasn't been number one in my life, but has fallen in line behind my kids, my husband, and sadly even my quilting. I really need to work on that and try to realign my priorities. My relationship with God should be first, then my husband, then my kids and lastly my hobbies.

I don't know how I'm going to do this, I will need to pray about it. I know I need to start making time (not finding it) for quiet time and Bible study everyday. I don't know if I will have to have Tony watch the kids for me for half an hour so I can do that without disctractions, or if I will need to turn off the computer and (gasp) TV and do it as soon as the kids go to bed. Something has to give though. The reason I have been feeling so worn out lately is that I am spiritually tired as well. Like the Bible says, prosper and be in good health even as our souls prosper! Who knows, maybe I will stress less and have more patience! I know my hubby and kids would love that!

I know some of you reading might not share my faith or agree with me, but since this is kind of my online journal and this has been on my heart today, so I thought I would share it.


  1. Thank you for shareing that!!! God Bless you! And maybe you can start something where the kids and hubby have there time while you stop to pray and be alone even if is for a short period! Say 15 min and then ease it up to 20 ect till you have a whole hour!!! Maybe even the children can lear to have there time praying ect... while you do yours? I understand everything your saying!!! Thanks for the reminder!!! Marion

  2. That message is so true. Our pastor had a similiar discussion a couple weeks back, as did Proverbs 31- theirs was on prayer and remembering it is the BEST thing we can do, not the ONLY thing...
    I love the stockings!
    I still have to make ours. I found some pretty blue fleece with snowflakes on it, so I will make a tree skirt out of it for this year. Hopefully next year I will be able to do more for Christmas. I never expected so many orders! We have the tree up and Mekenzei put everyone of the YOYOS up on the tree, she hogged them all.
    Can't wait to show her how to make some.
