Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eager procrastination

I did it. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't hold off any longer. I started my Weird and Ugly Challenge project for the N2Quilting yahoo group I am on. It's not due until April and I have a ton of things to do before Christmas that need to be done BY Christmas but no. Here I sit, with no self control eagerly ignoring everything else I need to do.

Which at the moment is quite a bit. My kitchen needs to be cleaned before I can start making dinner in an hour or so. I have a strange man coming to my house in the same amount of time to look at the weight bench my husband is selling. Did I mention that I have 3 extra kids right now too? HAHA, I have them doing my chores so I can be creative. I made Diantha unload the dishwasher. I'm making Veronica help me with laundry. It's chore enough to keep Josiah and Jeremiah from fighting. Did I mention today I'm doing laundry and I have my living room strewn with the stuff? It's down to 3 billion pieces of baby clothes and socks. At least I got all my undies off the couch, so when the aforementioned strange man shows up he doesn't see a Victoria's Secret spread.

I think I may have finally rearranged the Ugly Quilt as much as can be done. I've been obsessively moving a piece here, a piece there, for about 6 hours. Everytime I walk past the spare bedroom. When Mom dropped the kids off I showed her my progress. She said it was better and then SHE obsessively rearranged some pieces. Wonder where I get it? Tony walked passed the room while we were at it and flippantly said, "Anal." Smart alek.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are so funny! I have wash piled on a table in the living room that has not been put away from doing the quilt. However there were three tables, I am down to one. I got kids to haul in some wood and put dinner in the oven. I am going to hopefully get a customer quilt completed tonight. I still want to try those civil war friendship starts you explained. Hmmm, will see which wins. :-) What I could get done if I had siblings to help me! hmmm I have two kids with no homework. now maybe they do. We can call it house lessons.
