Some of you may know a little over a week ago my Number 2 Brother Artemas was in a motorcycle accident (not his fault, BTW); others of you may know that 20 months ago Idiot Brother Number 1 Allen was also in a motorcycle accident. So between the two Mom and Dad's bikes are requiring a little bit of attention. We (and by "we" I mean Mom/Dad, Tony and my brothers) almost had their first bike up and running when bike number too suffered boo-boos.
Near us in a nice, little place called Morristown there is Midsouth Motorcycle Salvage which is like, 4 old warehouses put end to end piled everywhere with crushed, bruised, burned, crashed, dropped off, broken, etc... motorcycles and parts. They do have a few referbed bikes in the front but after that you're on your own. Hunt through various layers of chrome labrynth to find not only the "section" with the bike parts you need (suzuki, honda, yamaha) but then hunt through piles and piles of said parts/bikes to find just what you want.
And so yesterday Tony, the kids and I, Mom and Artemas piled into her van jazzed on mountain dew and dunkin donuts and headed to Morristown. We arrived at the salvage at noon. We left shortly after 4. Jeremiah and Hannah were so good I couldn't hardly believe it. I expected after an hour for him to get antsy and start getting into things, and it is a place where even grown and careful people can get hurt easily. But no, he stayed with us, holding our hands as we wandered "isles". When he got terribly bored Artemas took him and Hannah up front and let them sit on ATVs and at one point I took them out to the car and he colored for an hour.
Once Tony and Mom found what they were looking for Tony had to get his tools from the van and take the parts off, being careful not to break them. These pictures are from ONE area--the last warehouse where we found the front forks for Mom's susuki. I, being a Mom, and having weird things in my purse, got bored and took pictures of Spiderman and a plastic compass.