It has been a long weekend. Jeremiah has been bugging me since Thanksgiving about our tree not being up. I am not a decorate the whole house for holidays type person; I decorate, moderately, for Christmas. I do Easter baskets for the kids. That's about it. Naturally I would do even less than that, but for my children's sake I try to get cheery about things. I usually try to have us set up the tree Thanksgiving weekend but this year I am just running behind.
I have been having a really hard time emotionally lately, though I have no idea why. That, the lack of sleep I have (or haven't!) been getting, and normal get-ready-for-Christmas business have put me far behind in my holiday preparations. I'm not done shopping, haven't begun baking, and am not done decorating totally but by golly, we got the tree up!!
Yesterday afternoon the kids and I went to my niece's 3rd birthday party and sat around for 4 hours in a cigarette-smoke saturated house that induced a headache I've still not recovered
from. We picked Diantha up on our way home because she really is so much help to me, with the kids and the house. When we got home I decided that before we could start working on the tree I HAD to sand the wall upstairs.

You see our tree goes downstairs next to the stair railing and upstairs above the stair railing is the closet Tony built and if I didn't sand it and clean up all the resulting dry-wall snow, it wouldn't have gotten done until after Christmas. And if we don't get a move on these
renevations I'm going to have a meltdown. Again.

So, Diantha plays with kids while Des very efficiantly and professionally sands the drywall mud/joints. Then I had to dust and mop upstairs, the edges of all the stairs, the ladder, the walls up and downstairs and the floor. Thankfully yesterday morning before the party Tony helped me move all the living room furniture, clean out from under the pieces and sweep so the couch wasn't against the wall with the stair railing to get
covered in dust!

When we got home today I finished putting lights and garland on the tree, then Diantha and the kids decorated it while I fussed with making the fireplace more festive. Never before i
n my life have I been able to hang stocking by the fire!!! These are just Jeremiah's (left) and Hannah's (right); I need to get another package of hangers and fix my stocking before I had Tony's and mine.

During all this our neighbor brought over 4 freshly made and still too hot to eat oatmeal raisin cookies, which Hannah and Tony sat around eating. : )

DURING all this hubbub I finally managed to finish Tony's stupid random bump hat which I had to pull out 4 times but now fits him beautifully and perfectly, cast on and knit 75% of one fingerless glove for my sister's friend for Christmas and cast on the KiddieCadet hat for my godson Rush. Whew!
No wonder I'm exhausted.
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