Friday, March 19, 2010

A Long Day

Today started out with a quick trip to Oak Ridge, where we got pulled over by 2 K-9 cops who followed us for over a mile and then ticketted us for the window tint on my car being too dark. Their reason? After discovering me & Tony up front with 3 kids (in car seats and seat belts), they couldn't see into the car at all or tell how many people were in it. Maybe because the 3 in the back seat's heads don't come up ABOVE the back seat? And how is it I can see through my car, with all the windows up and read signs posted in buildings behind it but they couldn't? Whatever, I am paying the fine and not removing the tint I've had on the car for *2* years.

After that majorly crappy start we hit the butchers and spent $60 on about $100 worth of meat for our chest freezer. Pretty excited about it.

On the way home I talked Tony into running back out before work and renting me a tiller for the weekend since today & tomorrow were supposed to be beautiful and sunny. We have an old stump between our driveway & mailbox that had these scrub grass like bushes planted around it (like these trees in our side yard) and I wanted to dug a flower bed on each side of our porch across the front of the house.

It took me 4 hours to tear out the bushes around the stump, and then I still had to move pavers around another bush and plant bulbs and pansies I'd picked up in a quick run to Kmart. Artemas helped me by tilling in front of the porch because after Tony left I couldn't get the tiller to start. And then the tiller "broke." We have no idea what happened and since it's a rental, I am a little worried. Did I mention that Tony, who didn't really want to go get it today, ripped his fairly new and very good blue jeans taking it out of the truck? Well he did. Oops.

I alternated pansies with daffodil and tulip bulbs that may not come up this year because it may be too late for me to have planted them. I want to pick up some more pansies or maybe even some marrigolds or mums to plan to add more color. It's looking a little bare outthere.

Mom and the kids came over and played for a while, Betsy had her hair up in a curly little pony tail that was SO adorable!! They got some pictures of me sitting in the dirt, and who cares if I plant flowers with a serving spoon like a redneck? I forgot to buy a spade!

Hannah had fun dancing on the stump, Mr Strong aka Jeremiah helped me by picking up sticks and piling them up out by the curb for the city to remove. Mom and I made a big stack of the pavers out by the mailbox which I'm sure my maillady will LOVE. I wasn't about to carry them all around to the back yard to put with the other things Tony needs to take to the dump. They can sit there til Monday. All the little bush pieces you see on this tarp were around the stump. Incredible huh?

Now I am sore, sunburned, I have a wrist is hurting me so badly I think I may die but I am happy to have accomplished something that wasn't sweeping the floor, showering the kids or sewing. It was nice to get out there in the sun and do some manual labor to add to the curb appeal of the house! Tomorrow, I may try to tackle the hutch in the basement. :-D

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